Finding time to exercise while you’re studying is very important. Hunching over a computer terminal or sitting through long lectures can mean you’re very sedentary, and exercise will not only keep you fit, but will also help relieve stress and anxiety and boost your mental wellbeing and energy levels.
Prioritise activity within your schedule and it will pay dividends, resulting in a sharper mind and a healthier body. So here are our top fitness tips for all freshers out there!
• Most universities and colleges provide students with sports facilities, including a pool and gym. There will usually be a sports centre on campus or nearby with a range of activities available. Some universities offer up to 100 different sports clubs, so there should be an activity to suit you.

• Be selective in choosing exercise that you enjoy and feel comfortable with, whether it’s running, swimming or just going for a walk. If you enjoy a particular activity, it’s much more likely that you’ll keep it up.
• Find a friend or a group that will exercise with you and motivate you – maybe going for bike rides or playing tennis together.

• Make use of student discounts and find out if your local council offers subsidised sports facilities.
• If you’re going out for the evening, energetic dancing will burn calories and release those happy hormones.

• Kick a football around the park with friends or have a game of volleyball.
• Walk or jog to lectures rather than taking the bus.
• Take the stairs, rather than the lift.
• Do things that make you happy, make friends, have a laugh and thoroughly enjoy what should be the best years of your life!