Hi, I'm Matt and I am a very keen and versatile sportsman. I play competitive basketball to a high standard and am also a former martial arts black belt.
I love to make my clients work to their limits and enjoy passing on my knowledge to them with a smile on my face! I have helped many clients train to elevate their sporting performance to the next level with innovative techniques and a determined attitude.
For those not sport-orientated, whether they want to tone up, put on some muscle, ease aches and pains or shed that unwanted fat, I am a trainer that guides my clients on their way to their goals.
I am really looking forward to working with my transformation programme winner, Caroline, on her journey. I will keep her sessions with me varied and fresh and will use all of my skills to help her hit her personal goals. No matter where you are starting from, the focus from me is always on where you are going!
Your journey could also start today - what's stopping you?
Keep an eye out here for updates on Caroline's progress and to see snapshots from her journey! You can also contact me to find out more about my PT sessions on: 07805 771375