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8 Essentials to Pack in Your Gym Bag

8 Essentials to Pack in Your Gym Bag

There's nothing more annoying than getting to the gym and realising you’ve forgotten something at home. What you pack in your bag could be the deciding factor between a good and a great workout! We have put together a list of our absolute favourite gym essentials to make the most out of your visit.

1. Towel
If there's one thing we know about fitness, is that you will SWEAT! Having a hand towel in your gym bag to collect those victory droplets will keep you dry and ready to do another rep. You should also pack a bath towel to dry yourself off if you opt to take a well-deserved shower after your session in our facilities.

2. Water bottle
Sweating in excess means that you NEED to keep hydrated to replenish your body. You can't go wrong with packing in a good quality water bottle to fill up at our water fountains. It's the best way to keep your thirst at bay and your body hydrated throughout your workout.

3. Deodorant
Victory does not always smell sweet! Whilst sweating is completely natural it doesn't always smell too good. Plus, you don't want to get funny looks while doing post-gym activities or running errands after your workout. We have fully-equipped shower facilities on-site but if you’re in a rush, slap on some deodorant when you leave the gym to make the rest of your day enjoyable for you and everyone else!

4. Hair Ties
The must-have for anybody with long hair. We recommend keeping a few extra hair ties in your gym bag to keep your lovely locks out of your face and your focus on your workout.

5. Snacks
After all the amazing work you put in during your workout, it's important to nourish yourself too. Keep your hunger at bay by packing in a post-workout snack that will hold you till your next meal. We recommend nuts, dried fruit, or a protein bar to keep your energy levels up.

6. Trainers
Although this is quite an obvious one, life does happen and it's very easy to forget things. Make sure to keep a pair of trainers in your gym bag to prevent the realisation that you've come all the way to the gym and have no shoes. Unless you're doing Yoga or a stretch session, shoes are pretty essential!

7. Headphones
If you are someone who needs to get into the zone, having quality headphones paired with a fire playlist is a recipe for a killer workout. Keep a pair in your gym bag to make sure you can block out all distractions and focus on that form.

8. Extra Socks
Let's face it, one minute you had a pair, the next minute one of them gets sucked into a mysterious abyss. Socks always go missing so keeping an extra pair in your gym bag is always a good idea.

If you are unsure about what should be in your gym bag, we assure you that these few items will not fail you. Make sure to do a checklist before you leave home to ensure everything is packed and ready to go.

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