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12 Days of Fitness Challenge!

12 Days of Fitness Challenge!

To get into the festive spirit, we have created a festive fitness challenge to keep you on track and active during the holiday season. Now, park the mince pies and let's get cracking -

12 Days of Fitness
For each day, a new exercise will be added to the list, but the catch is that you have to do the reps of the previous day's exercise as well - just like the 12 Days of Christmas song! The number of reps you must complete relates to the day you are on.

The 12 Days Of Fitness Challenge:

Day 1: 1 20-second Plank
Day 2: 2 Burpees
Day 3: 3 Push Ups
Day 4: 4 Star Jumps
Day 5: 5 Squats
Day 6: 6 Chair Dips
Day 7: 7 Boxing Punches
Day 8: 8 Mountain Climbers
Day 9: 9 Jumping Jacks
Day 10: 10 Alternating Lunges
Day 11: 11 Crunches
Day 12: 12 High Knees

So it will go: 1 plank on Day 1, 1 plank and 2 burpees on Day 2, 1 plank, 2 burpees and 3 pushups on Day 3. On Day 12 you will be doing 12 different exercises - so make sure to warm up properly, stay hydrated, and give yourself plenty of rest afterwards.

Are you ready to take on the challenge? Do it by yourself, or grab a partner and complete it with a friend. Make sure to keep up to date with our Instagram and Facebook pages as we will be posting reminders to our stories to keep you on track. Why? Because this is the time to share the good gift of GREAT fitness!

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