A new month is on our doorstep, and you're in luck because we have a new gym challenge for all our members! During March, you have the opportunity to take part in a full body strength and resilience challenge that will encourage building strength at the gym, at home, online, and in your mind.
The ChallengeThe 30-Day Programme involves 7 challenges every week, with each week focusing on a specific area of the body. Namely, Lower Body, Upper Body, Core Strength, and Mental Resilience.
How to take part:1. From 1st March, pick up a challenge card at reception.
2. Tick off the challenges as you complete them. Remember, you can complete them in any order, with a friend, and you can repeat some of the challenges if you're enjoying them!
3. Once all 30 challenges are completed, hand your card in at reception to claim your exclusive prize – a Welcome Gym sports towel.*
*1 sports towel per member. Sports towels will be available to claim at reception for challenge finishers from the first week of April 2024.
Making March Even BetterIf the challenge wasn't exciting enough, we also have some great membership offers for new and existing members!
New membersJoin for £10 +
get 2 FREE Guest Passes to work out with friends in March.*
*Guest passes are delivered to new joiners via the mobile App. Guest Passes will be available to share until 31st March 2024.Existing MembersReceive
2 FREE Guest Passes to share with loved ones via the App.*
This enables you to complete the 30-Day Challenge ‘With A Partner’ section if you want to bring a non-member to the gym.
*Guest Passes will be available to use until 31st March 2024.Let's build strength, and resilience together and make it to the end of the month feeling stronger than you have ever felt inside AND out!