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Skyrocket Your Training With These 5 Fitness Workout Finishers

Skyrocket Your Training With These 5 Fitness Workout Finishers

The Gym Games are coming to an end. We love seeing you push your limits and reach your fitness goals! To say goodbye, why not give your all for the last few days with these 5 workout finishers?

What Are Workout Finishers?
A finisher quickly and intensely bursts into either cardio or strength exercises at the end of a regular workout. They are designed to push you to the limit, and consequently, result in improved strength, endurance, and calorie burn. Cardio is a great finishing option because it helps increase your oxygen intake, resulting in better endurance. Some may choose strength finishers because it allows your body to withstand more when you workout again. No more tiring at rep number 8!

Try These:

Athletics Track & Field:
Sprint for 50m. Thereafter, immediately do 10 box jumps. Rest for the remainder of the minute. Do this for 5 minutes. This is called EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute).

Gymnastics Medly Circuit:
Hold a handstand for 30 seconds, then do 10 pistol squats per leg and end with 15 hanging leg raises. Do 3 rounds as fast as you can.

Equestrian Strength & Stability:
A combination of goblet squats, mountain climbers, planks & single-leg deadlifts is a good option for a strength finisher. Do 4 rounds of 40 seconds work and thereafter, 20 seconds rest.

Push Up Ladder:
Start with 10 push-ups, rest for 10 seconds, then do 9 push-ups, rest for 10 seconds, and continue down to 1 push-up.

Medicine Ball Slams and Sit-Ups:
Do 20 medicine ball slams followed by 20 sit-ups. Rest for 1 minute and repeat for 3 rounds.

Adding workout finishers into your routine is a powerful way to boost your fitness journey. Reap the benefits of pushing yourself to the limit! Whether you choose strength or cardio, don't just finish your workout, finish strong.

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