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Balancing University Life: How to Prioritise Fitness and Academics for Success

Balancing University Life: How to Prioritise Fitness and Academics for Success

Going to university can be a time of great personal growth, but it can also bring feelings of stress. Fitness can be vital in improving your productivity and overall well-being while studying. Let's look at ways to balance academics with physical activity.

How To Find Time For It All

With correct planning, you can have time to do it all! Creating a schedule that considers your studies and your fitness can be the guiding force between you and success! Plan your workouts and study sessions and make sure your goals are attainable and measurable so that you can stick to them without getting overwhelmed.

How To Put Your Schedule Into Practice

After planning your schedule out well, try implementing it for a week. After that, you will be able to see what significant changes you need to make it work better for you. Remember, your days won't always look the same so a week-long trial will allow you to adapt.

If you're struggling to balance it all or don't know where to start, seek advice from one of our expert Personal Trainers. Every new joiner gets a FREE Personal Training Taster session - it's the perfect opportunity to chat through your goals, limitations, and schedule, and create a plan that works for you.

Set Healthy Boundaries

Every part of your life is important whether it be socialising, studying, fueling yourself, and exercising. However, once we allow them to interfere with each other, demotivation can creep in. To prevent this from happening, stick to doing one task at a time fully. When you have reached the end of the time set in your schedule, you can move to the next activity. This way, you don't allow any of your activities to cancel each other out, and you'll feel more in control.

Celebrate Your Wins!

Showing up to classes, sticking to your schedule, and consistently going to the gym is a big deal! Give yourself credit for the little wins by doing something you love like going to a show, buying your favourite snack, or taking a quiet moment to journal your achievements.

Choosing to prioritise your health, as well as, your studies is no easy feat but you have the power to make it happen. Try these tips and see how they work out in your routine!

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